Friday, March 29, 2013

Tire Workouts

If it's sunny outside, the last place I want to be is indoors (even if its in the gym). I had that dilemma today and decided to do some fun outdoors exercises! Here are some pictures showing what I incorporated into my workout.

Here I'm doing tire flips (left) and ins and outs (right). Both incorporate your legs, but the tire flips end up being an all around body work out. 

Yes, I am holding a sledge hammer. These work your arms pretty dang good. You move from a side stance with some slack on the sledge hammer, to pushing yourself forward, with the sledge hammer hitting the tire. Great for those who want more definition, clearly something I'm after with my scrawny little arms. 

If you want your legs to burn, these are for you. Strap a harness on and put as much weight on the tire as you can pull, and back peddle. You want your hips to be low with BIG steps back. Great for the glutes and hamstrings. 

I also did ball throws, push ups and abs. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fox Sports West Girl Audition

One last thing before I go today,

if you really want to get a better feel of my personality, check out my audition for the next Fox Sports West girl challenge! Unfortunately I heard about it on the last day so I posted it late, but I'm staying positive which is always the best thing to do in life :)

Let me what you all think! Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Lets get acquainted

Hello Bloggers!

I'm new to the blog world, so I'll start off by showing you a few links to some of my already published works. This way you can get a better feel for who I am and what I'm all about.

I'm always open to new ideas for stories, so if their is something sports, fitness, health, or even music related you want covered let me know!